How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

Weed, also known as marijuana, is a widely used recreational substance with various forms of consumption, from smoking to edibles. According to recent studies, 3 out of 10 people in the US who use weed have marijuana use disorder.

Understanding how long marijuana stays in your system is crucial, considering the legal, professional, and health-related consequences that may arise. In this guide, we will delve into answering “How long does weed stay in your system?” and discuss other aspects to provide a clearer understanding.

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Marijuana, or weed, is a psychoactive drug derived from the Cannabis plant. he plant has been used for various purposes, including medicinal, recreational, and industrial uses.

The cannabis plant contains around 100 different cannabinoids, with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) being the most well-known. THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana use. Meanwhile, CBD is non-intoxicating and is mostly used for its therapeutic potential.

Side Effects of Marijuana

While marijuana is known for its potential therapeutic effects, it can also have side effects, especially when used inappropriately or excessively. Common side effects of weed include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Red eyes and dry mouth or “cottonmouth”
  • Impaired memory and concentration
  • Respiratory issues
  • Mental health issues like anxiety
  • Dependency and addiction

Not everyone can experience all of these side effects. Several factors, such as the amount and frequency of marijuana use, may influence how it affects a person. The risks of side effects are generally higher with regular and heavy marijuana use.

Before diving into the specifics, let’s first understand the main factors at play. How long weed stays in the human body varies from person to person. Several factors come into play, influencing the amount of time it takes for your body to eliminate traces of cannabis.

Frequency of Use

Occassional users will typically clear out THC metabolites from their systems faster than chronic weed users.

Amount or Dosage

The amount of marijuana consumption directly impacts the amount of THC levels in the body. Additionally, regular users may find traces lingering longer compared to occasional users.


One key determinant of how long weed stays in your system is the variability in individual metabolism. People with faster metabolisms typically eliminate THC from their system quicker.

Body Fat Percentage

THC is fat soluble and can be stored in fat cells, so individuals with higher body fat percentages may have THC detectable for longer periods.

Hydration Level

Drinking plenty of water can help flush THC out of your system faster.

Method of Consumption

Smoking, vaping, or consuming edibles influences the detection window. Inhalation often lead to quicker metabolization compared to edibles, which have a delayed onset.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Urine?

Urine testing is a common method for detecting THC metabolites. In general, the detection window of THC in urine based on frequency of use is as follows:

  • Occasional use (less than once a week): 3-5 days
  • Moderate use (2-4 times a week): 5-7 days
  • Chronic or daily use: 10-30 days (can be longer in heavy users)

These are just rough estimates, and certain factors can significantly influence the actual detection window. In addition, different urine tests have varying sensitivities to THC. Standard urine tests typically have a cut-off level of 50 ng/mL, while more sensitive tests can detect as low as 15 ng/mL.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Blood Stream?

Blood tests for marijuana are less common than urine tests, and the detection window is generally shorter. Blood tests are often used in situations where recent impairment is a concern, such as in cases of driving under the influence (DUI) or workplace safety.

The average detection time of weed in blood tests is 1 to 2 days. However, for occasional or chronic users, THC may be detectable for 72 hours or more.

Other Drug Testing Methods

Saliva tests are gaining popularity due to their non-invasiveness and ease of administration. They can detect THC for a shorter duration, usually up to 72 hours after use. Meanwhile hair testing has the longest detection window and can detect THC in hair follicles up to 90 days after use.

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Even though marijuana can be less addictive than other illicit drugs, some people may experience withdrawal symptoms once they stop using. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration depending on certain factors.

Common Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

icon showing irritability

Mood Swings or Irritability

Icon depicting insomnia


decrease in appetite

Decrease in Appetite

icon anxiety and depression

Anxiety and Depression

icon muscle pain

Physical Discomfort

How To Detox From Weed?

Unlike other medical detox methods, weed detox typically involves allowing the body to naturally eliminate THC and its metabolites. Below are some methods to help support and expedite the marijuana detox process.

abstaining from marijuana

The first and most crucial step is to stop using marijuana. Continued use will prolong the presence of THC in the body.

staying hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help flush toxins from the body, including metabolites of THC.

regular exercise

Physical activity can boost metabolism and aid in the elimination of THC. Regular exercise, combined with adequate hydration, may contribute to a faster detox process.

Quitting marijuana can be a personal journey, but seeking a safer and more supportive environment can help you achieve sobriety. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Experiencing withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for some. Healthcare professionals can provide you with personalized guidance or prescribe medication-assisted treatment methods to help you manage these symptoms. Finding additional support such as therapy or support group sessions can help you develop coping strategies and connect with others going through similar experiences.

If you’re residing in Arizona, our Scottsdale addiction treatment centers can help you get the support and treatment you need. Connect with our addiction specialists today.

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